
Marketing resources

Content Framework

Content is a key aspect of marketing. It's important because it enables you to communicate with your audience, helps you build your brand as a trusted source of information and can help you generate leads and improve conversions. The words we put onto our website are also crucial for SEO and organic search.

Writing this content, however, is a lot easier said than done.

Once you have your topics in mind, writing each article or blog can feel like a labour of love.

So, to make it feel easier and more accessible, I advise my clients to follow my content framework, which you can download below.

This content framework I’ve created is based on the five-act structure used for storytelling. It’s a proven method of engaging people which has been used for centuries – think Shakespeare!

It works incredibly well for content like blogs and articles because it enables us to simplify the structure of the content we are creating, which means every point you make is relevant and purposeful.

The structure of the content within this storytelling format makes it easier for you to order your content increasing your chances that your reader gets to the end of the piece of content. This keeps them engaged and is likely to increase their dwell time on your website.

Practice certainly makes perfect, so my advice is to start publishing your content on your site and measuring how it performs. Optimise the content and then continue publishing and measuring the data. Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t and develop a voice that becomes an industry authority.

Download the content framework here and see below for some further tips to help make your website content even better:

 Top tips for website content:  

  • Measure your readership

    • Ensure Google Analytics is set up so that you can see which pieces of content are most popular

    • Track CTA (Call To Action) results – for example, if you direct people to follow you on Instagram, did you see a higher increase in followers that can be attributed to your content marketing activity?

  • Be mindful of the number of words

    • Most people will view your website on mobiles and tablets, so very long blogs mean they lose focus and will not get to the end of the blog

  • Include key words

    • Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is all about how easily people can find your site if they search for relevant key words on the internet. These key words enable search engines to index your site. Include the key words for your services or products in your blogs.

  • Post regularly

    • Consistent content updates gives your site a better ranking. The ideal frequency is one blog per week, but start off with a frequency that is manageable (e.g. one per month) and increase the frequency as you’re able to deliver more content without compromising on the quality of the content.

  • Include links to relevant sources

    • Citing sources gives your content authority and shows that you are well connected to your subject matter – and at the very least, that you have done your research!

    • Tagging sources when you cross-post onto other platforms enables people to be aware they are tagged and encourages them to share with their audience

  • Make it easy to read

    • Use human language where you can – a lot of jargon makes a blog boring to read, so strike a balance with key words

    • Write shorter paragraphs and break up content where you can. Most people use mobile or tablet to read content so shorter sections of copy make it more user friendly

  • Title / Headline is key

    • Make the blog topic obvious by including a key word or two – it will also be much easier to find and encourage people to click through to find out more

    • Write a title that people want to engage with by sharing what they will learn or show them how they’ll be entertained

This framework works best when you have a heap of topics to choose from, and you get this by creating a content strategy. If you don’t have a content strategy, book a consultation with me. I can talk you through how to create an effective strategy and give you advice about how to implement the strategy well.

Hema Chauhan